martes, 21 de diciembre de 2021

Wednesday 22nd of December

 Good morning children,
These are the activities we propose to you today.



Read the vocabulary, listen to the song and write the words in the correct  place.



Voluntary activities to hand in when we return in January.


1º How to turn words SANTA into SANTA CLAUS 


How To Draw A Puppy Present Folding Surprise

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

lunes, 20 de diciembre de 2021

Tuesday 21st December:


Good morning children,

We hope you enjoyed the long weekend.




Here you have the correction template for Friday's questions:











Upper class




Consisted of the wealthiest people .

 They were nobles and  factory owners.




Middle class




Consisted  of small merchants and enterpreneurs, small landowners,and professionasl such as doctors, lawyers and engineers.  

 Lower class


Factory workers

Consisted of poorer people .


They worked on the land.

They  worked in echange of very low wages, during long hours an d in very hard conditions.


1.Write two artists from the 19th century in Spain and write a sentence about their work.


 Francisco de Goya was the pinter of the Spanish court and painted The Quitasol.

Sorolla was an impressionist pinter and gave emphasis to the colour and light.


2.Explain what was the Generation of 98 and name three writers who belonged to this group.


They were a group of writers who wrote about the social and political situation of Spain.

Some writers were: Rosalía de Casto, Benito Pérez Galdós and Miguel de Unamuno.


3. Look at the photos. Identify each architectural style and explain its characteristics.



             A                                                     B                                  C

Neoclassical                             Neoclassical                       Modernism

Activities for today:

1º Today we are going to review the contents we have seen in the history project.


Watch this video and do liveworksheet:




Then watch this video too and do this liveworksheet:



Remember to send liveworksheets to your teacher´s mail.



Christmas is just around the corner, we leave you this worksheet to practise listening, reading and vocabulary related to Christmas.

jueves, 16 de diciembre de 2021

Friday 17th of December 2021


Hi children,

Hope you're still well, it's finally Friday!

Here are today's proposals.

Happy weekend.


Here are the answers to yesterday's questions. Correct them in your notebook with the template:


Thursday Questions 


1 Which colonies were lost during the reign of Maria Cristina?


During the regency period, Spain lost its remaining colonies, Cuba,

Puerto Rico and the Philippines, and suffered heavy defeats in

Morocco and violent rioting in Barcelona.


2 What form of government did General Primo de Rivera establish and how long did it last?

 Rivera suspended the Constitution and became a dictator from 1923-1930.

3 What aspects did the 1931 constitution include?

The Constitution of 1931

Among many other things it:

• established freedom of speech

• gave the vote to women

• made divorce legal

• took away the special legal status enjoyed by Spanish nobility

• limited the powers of the Church.


Now in the presentation, go to the yellow people icon at the end of the timeline. Read the information about society and do this activity:



Copy (in your notebook in the social section) and complete the table about the society in the 19th century:

















Art and culture


Then click on the yellow palette and read the information about 

art and sculpture.


Then do these activities:

1.Write two artists from the 19th century in Spain and write a sentence about their work.




2.Explain what was the Generation of 98 and name three writers who belonged to this group.





3. Look at the photos. Identify each architectural style and explain its characteristics.


                          A                      B                      C



Milton:  Assignaments finish today.


For/Since (Present perfect)


Look at the examples, complete with for/since in the correct place. When you finish, send it to your teacher's email.



Have a nice weekend. We miss you!!!!

Valores Cívicos y Sociales - La resilencia

¿ Eres una persona resilente?

En esta entrada del blog podrás descubrir si tienes una capacidad humana muy útil: la resilencia.

En primer lugar, supongo que te harás una de estas preguntas:

¿ Qué es ser resilente? o ¿ Qué es la resilencia?

Para que puedas averiguarlo y luego realizar la tarea que te voy a proponer debes leer el artículo que puedes encontrar en el siguiente enlace y ver el vídeo pinchando en la imagen de abajo.


Una vez que tienes la información sobre esta capacidad te toca pensar un poco, hacer un esfuerzo para conocerte a ti mismo/a y contestar por escrito en un folio a estas cuestiones.

1. ¿ Ves en ti mismo/a algunos de los hábitos de las personas resilentes? ¿ Cuáles tienes y cuáles no tienes?

2. Pon un ejemplo de una situación en la que tú mismo/a o alguien que tú conozcas haya tenido una conducta resilente.

Cuando volvamos de las vacaciones de Navidad compartiremos las respuestas en clase.

Un saludo.


miércoles, 15 de diciembre de 2021

Thursday 16th of December 2021


Good morning children,

We hope you are feeling well. Here are some proposals for bilingualism in the blog divided by areas.

Remember, the holidays are just around the corner.



Here are the answers to yesterday's questions. Correct them in your notebook with the template.


Questions about : THE RESTORATION: 1875-1923


 What did the peaceful turn (turno pacífico) consist of during the reign of Alfonso XII?


Under his reign, there was a new political system: the turno Pacífico. Only two political parties were permitted: the Liberals and the Conservatives. These parties took turns in holding power.


2º Who were the most important political figures during the reign of Alfonso XII?


In this new system of alternating power, there were two key political figures:


• Antonio Cánovas del Castillo, who was Prime Minister six times and leader of the Conservatives.

• Práxedes Mateo Sagasta, who was Prime Minister eight times and leader of the Liberals.



3º What were the pros and cons of the Restoration period?




·       After a century of instability, Spain was stable again.


·       It was a period of economic prosperity and modernization.


·       There was peace and prosperity in Cuba and Puerto Rico.





·       The only way to guarantee the system would work was through electoral fraud: the King chose the government and the result of the election was decided in advance.


·       Basque and Catalan nationalism grew in protest against the unfair system.




Here is the presentation again:




 Remember that to access the summary you have to click on the cloud below the timeline.


 Thursday Questions 

(Copy these questions in your notebook in the Social Studies section).


1 Which colonies were lost during the reign of Maria Cristina?


2 What form of government did General Primo de Rivera establish and how long did it last?


3  What aspects did the 1931 constitution include?



Important: This week's test on irregular verbs is cancelled. We will take it on Thursday 13th January.


Milton:  Remember you have assignaments for Friday.


Vocabulary day: Jobs

Listening about Jobs. Fill in this liveworksheet and send it to your teacher's email.




1º Finish the drawing of Goya's "El Quitasol" and hand it in when we come back from holiday in January.

2º How To Draw A Rudolph Puppet - Folding Surprise

Christmas proposal (voluntary): watch the tutorial and follow the steps. To be handed in on your return:

A Rudolph Puppet


martes, 14 de diciembre de 2021

Wednesday 15th December


Science: History

Today it is time to read the second page of the summary about:

 The Restoration and King Alfonso XII.

Then answer these three questions in your notebook in the Social section, the answers appear in the summary (click on the cloud at the end of the timeline to see the summary).

Questions about : THE RESTORATION: 1875-1923


 What did the peaceful turn (turno pacífico) consist of during the reign of Alfonso XII?


2º Who were the most important political figures during the reign of Alfonso XII?


3º What were the pros and cons of the Restoration period?


Here are the answers to yesterday's questions. Correct them in your notebook.



1 What conflicts did Amadeo of Savoy have to deal with during his short reign in Spain?


King Amadeo had to deal with violent conflicts between different political parties, the Cuban revolution, rebellions by the Carlists in the Basque and Catalan regions, Republican uprisings and problems with the army.


2 How long did the First Republic last?

The republic lasted only 11 months with four presidents during this period.


3 Who became king after the First Republic? How was he related to Isabel II?

Alfonso XII became the new King of Spain after the First Republic.

He was queen  Isabel II’s son.


Finally, go to the timeline and below you will see an icon with three yellow people. Click on the icon and read the information about the social classes at that time and watch the video about the industrial revolution.


Milton:  Remember you have assignaments for Friday.


Study irregular verbs.


Vocabulary day: Jobs


Make this liveworksheets  about jobs and send it to your teacher's email.


Jobs liveworksheet


Finally, copy the jobs into your notebook in the English section.  Write the date. The title should be

Vocabulary Day: Jobs.

 Write the 21 professions in English in one column and next to it the Spanish translation.


  AGENDA European countries and capitals test today. Test of the physical map of Europe on Friday 3rd June. 2 liveworksheets for Frida...